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Mahima Sri Nankana Sahib
Nankana Sahib is a holy place where the founder of the Sikh religion, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born on 15th April, 1469 A.D. The township of Nankana Sahib was earlier known as Raipur. But after the birth of Guru Nanak Ji, its name changed to Nankian Sahib or Nankana Sahib. It is situated at a distance of approximately 90 km on the south west from Lahore, in Pakistan. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji spent his whole childhood in Nankana Sahib. On the occasion of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jis bith anniversary about three thousand Sikh devotees from India and all over the world visit Nankana Sahib. In this album, the renowned Jathedar Sardar Sant Singh Aadil presents the history and significance of Sri Nankana Sahib through shabad-kirtan.