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A four pack album on the Navagrahas ---our signs of destiny .This is a devotional album in Sanskrit rendered with traditional tunes in the Vedic meter so that the meaning is preserved. The four albums comprise of 98 shlokas on the nine grahas. The planets Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Moon, Sun together with Rahu and Ketu (the nodes of the moon) constitute the NAVAGRAHAS of the Hindu theogany. These are our SIGNS OF DESTINY. The shlokas and mantras have been chanted by Prakash Koushik and Muthuswamy Dikshithar's kritis on the navagrahas are sung by Rajkumar Bharathi.The music has been scored by L.Vaidyanathan. The album contains Gayatri mantras of each Graha, Dhyana shlokas, Ashtotra shlokas, Shaneeswara Chalisa, Navagraga Chalisa, Navagraha Shanthi mantras and Peetahara Navagraha stotra.