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Bolo Radhey
Anup Jalota is popularly known as the bhajan samrat; he is the man who popularised spiritual music and brought it to the masses. This album is a treat for any Anup Jalota fan or follower of Lord Krishna. It contains 9 devotional songs, beginning with 3 beautiful brand new songs of Anup Jalota composed and created fresh for this album. The first track Bolo Radhey is a hummable song suitable for singing along with, or even kirtan. The music is fresh, simple and beautiful for music lovers of every kind.The songs include: Aisi Lagi Lagan, Sanwariya Mori Naiyya and Rang De Chunariya. The songs are the crowning glory of every hit album and concert of Anup Jalota. Besides these, there are 3 best-selling film songs on Lord Krishna, re-sung in Anup Jalota's mellifluous voice. These include: Bada Natkhat Hai Yeh, Yashomati Maiya Se and Shyam Tori Bansi.