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Shri Durga Mantrashakti
Goddess Durga is a form of 'Devi', the supreme Goddess. In Bengal, she is said to be the mother of Lord Ganesh, Lord Kartikeya, Goddess Saraswati & Goddess Lakshmi. Goddess Durga is depicted as a warrior woman with multiple arms who rides a lion or a tiger & carries weapons with symbolic hand gestures. Goddess Durga is the embodiment of feminine & creative energy.'Shri Durga Mantrashakti' features the most potent & powerful chants of Lord Durga. The Music is composed by the flute maestro Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia. Guidance on text has been given by Professor Vachaspati Maudgalya and on pronunciation by Dr. B.P.Vyas.